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Meadow Park Elementary


iSTAY Before & After Care Program


iStay Contact Information

For questions regarding registration, please email: Mrs. Victoria Anrtim @ For questions regarding billing, please email: Mrs. Mandy Van @

iSTAY Fee's & Payment Information

Morning Only:

6:45 am – 7:45 am

1 student: $20/week

1 student and 1 sibling: $35/week

1 student and 2 siblings: $50/week

Afternoon Only:

2:50 pm – 6:00 pm

1 student: $60/week

1 student and 1 sibling: $110/week

1 student and 2 siblings: $150/week

Morning & Afternoon:

1 student: $80/week

1 student and 1 sibling: $145/week

1 student and 2 siblings: $200/week

Late Pick Up Fees:

$15 assessed at 6:01 pm

Additional $15 assessed at 6:15 pm and every additional quarter-hour.

All iSTAY payments will be made using our online RevTrak system. No cash or check payments will be accepted. Payments will be deducted on Friday afternoon of each week.


Beginning in the 24-25 school year, we will be charging the full price for enrollment each week regardless of your child’s attendance that week. We will no longer be accepting daily drop-ins for our program. 


iStay Registration

Click the Link

Learn More
  • Our iSTAY program follows the regular school calendar. If school is not in session, we do not run our program. Please plan for alternate arrangements for teacher work days, professional development days, and holiday breaks.


  • MORNING DROP OFF: Students will be dropped off using the bus loop on Beeche Terrace from 6:45-7:40.


  • AFTERNOON PICK UP: Students will be picked up from the front lobby from 3:15-6:00. If your child needs to be picked up prior to 3:15, please have their teacher send them to parent pick up that day. Any adults picking students up from iSTAY must be on their emergency contact list. Please make sure they have ID for verification.

  • Your payment will be automatically deducted on Friday afternoons. A $15 late fee will be assessed on Monday morning if payment is declined. If your account falls 2 weeks past due, your student will be suspended from the iSTAY program until your account is brought up to date. Frequent late payments could result in your child being dismissed from the program.

  • We do not have a certified nurse on campus during our iSTAY program. Medication will not be administered except in emergencies (epi-pens or insulin). All staff will be trained in basic first aid by our school nurse.

  • Despite our best efforts, we may have occasional accidents. An accident report will be provided at pickup to explain what happened. In the event your child sustains a severe injury while at iSTAY, you or an emergency contact will be contacted immediately.
  • Snacks are provided by Champs Cafe. Students are not permitted to bring their own snacks. If your child has a food allergy noted on their emergency form, arrangements will be made to accommodate that allergy.

  • Homework help will be offered for 20-30 minutes. Staff is there to provide some assistance. However, homework should be completed independently. It is your child’s responsibility to complete their homework during that time.

  • Discipline: Our program will follow the behavior policies set forth in the Charlotte County Schools’ Code of Student Conduct. We cannot permit any type of misbehavior that disrupts the safety or the learning of others. When misbehaviors occur, students will be given a verbal warning. If the behavior continues, students will receive a written behavior infraction that will need to be signed by a parent. Multiple infractions could result in suspension from the program. During a discipline suspension, you will not be charged tuition. However, frequent suspensions could result in dismissal from the program. Any misbehavior that poses a safety concern will result in immediate dismissal from the program.