Mrs. Calandra - Music
Mr. Cernaro - PE
Mrs. Colleen - Library
Mrs. Coyle - STEM
Mrs. Welch - Art
Music Mrs. Calandra is excited to introduce a new "Composer of the Month". Our composer for September was Camille Saint-Saens, well known for his musical suite, Carnival of the Animals. I am introducing new music while incorporating music history and listening activities. We have fun incorporating these musical masterpieces into our rhythm play-alongs, keeping a steady beat, using dynamics and identifying the tempo. We do all of this using a variety of percussion instruments, such as the drums, tambourines, rhythm sticks, and xylophones. Unleash your musical spirit!
PE In physical education during quarter two we will be starting our fitness assessment and working as a team to perform PACER's. We will working on our throwing and catching skills as we move into our ultimate football games. We will then progress to our Indiana Jones game where students will continue to work on their throwing skills. We will also be learning how to properly pass and kick with a soccer ball towards a target. The students will be focusing on sportsmanship and teamwork as they learn these new skills.
Library The Media Center is ready for the “-ber” months! Pumpkins and fall decorations make our library a comfortable space for learning during the second quarter. We’re ready to select books for personal use, make connections with nonfiction and fiction, and develop an interest in specific authors, illustrators, and series all while enjoying books about turkeys, pumpkins, scarecrows and gingerbread men. It’s going to be a great opportunity to explore books.
STEM Quarter 2 in STEM: Students will conduct physics experiments while learning the mechanics of energy, motion, force, gravity, and speed. Discovering living things, such as animals and plants. Learning why we have brown eyes, blond hair, freckles and more in genetics. Exploring Earth and its amazing layers. All while incorporating engineering, math and technology into our activities. Be STEM Ready!!
Art We are colorfully working on many new skills, techniques, and standards in the art studio! In the K/1 classes, students will be learning about artists Piet Mondrian and Vincent Van Gogh. Students will focus on cutting and gluing skills along with learning how to create a mosaic art piece. Students will also be learning about texture, movement, and the color wheel. The second and third graders will learn the same curriculum as the K/1 classes. They will additionally learn about primary and secondary colors, impressionism, and The Nutcracker ballet. In the fourth and fifth grades, students will learn about negative and positive space, they will also study Van Gogh and Mondrian, they will learn how to implement value into a chalk drawing, and they will be introduced to 3D art this quarter.
We kindly ask for your support in the following areas to ensure our students’ safety and success:
It is essential that all students wear their ID badges every day to help us quickly identify them and ensure their safety throughout the school day. Please remind your child to wear their ID badge every morning before leaving for school.
Additionally, being present from bell to bell is crucial for your child’s academic success, so we encourage students to be on time and stay until the end of the school day to maximize their learning opportunities. Every minute counts!
Finally, for any changes to your child’s transportation at dismissal time, please make sure to notify us in writing through your child’s agenda or the Remind app. This helps us ensure that your child gets home safely and as planned.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together, we can create a safe and productive environment for all our students.