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Meadow Park Elementary


What is Title I?

My child is attending a Title I school?

What is Title I?
Title I is the nation’s largest federal program for schools. It provides funding for increasing student achievement in schools selected on the basis of the economic level of families in a school’s attendance area.

Here are some terms you may want to become familiar with:

Title I Annual Meeting
A time when you will be informed as to the purpose of Title I, the use of funding, and how you can participate at your child’s school; often referred to as OPEN HOUSE.

What is Title I funding?
Schools designated as Title I Schools receive funding through the U.S. and Florida Departments of Education to increase student achievement at school. You may see where the Title I dollars are spent in the Title I Brochure, the Student Success Plan, or the Parent Involvement Plan. These should be available in your school’s office and/or website.

Parents Right to Know
A checklist of all the information a parent should know or have access to about their child’s Title I school. This information may be found on the school website, the school office or the Parent Guide Calendar.

School Compact
An annual agreement between the school, parents and students to help ensure each child’s academic success for the year.

Student Success Plan
Every spring, the school must use the most current data to set goals for the next academic year. These goals and strategies for increasing student achievements are written into the Student Success Plan. A committee of administrators, staff, parents and/or community members collaboratively write the plan that is then submitted to the school SAC and to the CCPS School Board for approval. This plan may be found on the school website, in the front office, or the district website.

Parent Survey
Annually, in the spring, parents of students attending a Title I school are asked for their feedback and/or suggestions concerning the school’s performance and climate.

Family Resource Center
The Family Center is a resource for families to find additional information and/or training to help achieve academic success. Information about these additional resources can be found in the FRE book check-out area.

Book Check Out/Family Reading Experience
Parents and students at our Title I elementary schools can check out all types of books, locate “just the right books” for the current reading level, and also receive a KEEPER book to build home libraries. Each school has a specified day of the week and time; refer to school websites, newsletters or fliers for the schedule.

Parent Involvement Plan
Included in the Student Success Plan is the Parent Involvement Plan for each school. This plan looks at the school goals for the year and identifies strategies to involve parents in training, volunteering, and/or participation at school or at home to help students achieve the school’s academic goals.

There are many ways parents can participate in their child’s school from helping at home, attending school-sponsored events, to becoming a member of one of the many committees. Contact the school office to find out the opportunities available.

PIRC is a Parental Information and Resource Center. There are two PIRC offices in Florida: the Partnershipcenter websiteFNDFL website. They provide a wide variety of tip sheets for parents. The mission of PIRC is to provide free services to strengthen partnerships with families, educators, and the community.