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Meadow Park Elementary


MPE School Policies


  • Dress Code

  •  MPE Homework Policy 

  • Dear Meadow Park Families, 

    For the safety of ALL, volunteers and visitors are required to sign in at the front office with a valid ID. 

    The visitor or volunteer will be given a sticker, designating the location they are permitted to visit.

  • Dear Meadow Park Families,

    After much thought and consideration, we have decided to implement a Birthday Celebration Policy. Families are encouraged to celebrate birthdays at home. However, if you wish to recognize your child’s birthday at school, we ask you to adhere to our Meadow Park Birthday policy.

    We understand that your child’s birthday is a special day for him/her. We recognize each child on their day by announcing their name on our morning news announcement (MPTV) and giving them a special birthday gift.

    Meadow Park Birthday Treat Policy

    1. Parents may send in a healthy treat (fresh fruit, popcorn, pretzels, crackers, etc.) to be served as a snack in the cafeteria during their lunch. These should be individual servings.
    2. Parents may send or bring in store-bought MINI-cupcakes or cookies. These will be served to the students in your child’s class in the cafeteria during their lunch.
    3. Please inform your child’s teacher in advance of your intentions for the celebration of your child’s birthday. The teacher can then inform you of any allergies and their total headcount in their class.

    Please remember that we can only pass out invitations to parties if they are sent either to the whole class or to all students of the same gender. This helps prevent hurt feelings when only a few are invited to a party. Also, we ask that goodie bags not be sent to school.

Statement of Non-Discrimination

The School Board of Charlotte County does not discriminate (including anti-Semitism [as defined in Bylaw 0100]) on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation, gender status, or gender identity), recognized disability, pregnancy, marital status, age (except as authorized by law), religion, military status, ancestry, or genetic information which are classes protected by State and/or Federal law (collectively, “protected classes”) in its programs and activities, including employment. The School Board also ensures equal access for Boy Scouts of America and other identified patriotic youth groups, as required by 34 C.F.R. §108 (Boy Scouts Act). (School Board Policy 1122, 3122, 4122, 2260)  

The District Title IX Coordinators Compliance Officers for the District are Adrienne McElroy (Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Labor Relations), available at (941) 255-0808, Michael Desjardins (Assistant Superintendent for School Support), available at (941) 255-0808, and Justin Boudreau (Director of Human Resources), available at (941) 255-0808. The District Section 504 Compliance Officer and ADA Coordinator is Rebecca Marazon (Coordinator of Psychological Services), available at (941) 255-0808. (School Board Policy 2260)  

Title IX Compliance

The School Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex (including sexual orientation or gender identity), in its education programs or activities, and is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, and its implementing regulations, not to discriminate in such a manner. The requirement not to discriminate in its education program or activity extends to admission and employment. The Board is committed to maintaining an education and work environment that is free from discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment (School Board Policy 2266).

In accordance with School Board Policy 2266 and other applicable statutes, the following training materials are publicly available below.

Title IX Training Materials for 2023-2024

Title IX Coordinators

Reports of Harassment, whether informal or formal, may be made directly to the School Principal, Assistant Principal or any employee of Charlotte County Public Schools. Reports of Harassment may also be directly referred to one of the School District’s Compliance Officers.

Amanda Mazzola, M. Ed., SHRM-CP  - Human Resources Director 
1445 Education Way, Port Charlotte, FL 33948
(941) 255-0808

Dr. Adrienne McElroy - Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Labor Relations  
1445 Education Way, Port Charlotte, FL 33948
(941) 255-0808

Dr. Michael Desjardins - Assistant Superintendent of School Support
1445 Education Way, Port Charlotte, FL 33948
(941) 255-0808